PHBC-2 ensures perfect curing
and saves repair time as well as downtime
Lund & Sorensen A/S have developed the PHBC-2 which is basically the same product as the larger model, the PHBC-6, but in a different look and with a new and updated software layout and the possibility of logging vacuum values.
Both products are controllers which may help to successfully complete repairs after the first operating cycle. By using the PHBC-2, you can ensure perfect curing, due to, that when the PHBC-2 says “job done”, then the repair has been cured at the requested temperature, for the requested time, which is stated in the chosen recipe.
Finally it ensures that the curing temperatures are neither too low nor too high and when the desired curing process has been completed, the PHBC-2 even switches off the individual heating blankets.
If the temperature is above or below the required temperature gain, then a warning will appear on the control screen. If the temperature is above the output it will be switched off and if below, then the output will stay on, but the timer countdown will stop.
If an alarm occurs because of a defective sensor or a heating blanket failure, then it will be displayed in the alarm log of the control system.
The control system and alarm log can be viewed and controlled from tablet or smart phone, within the reach of the PHBC-2 WiFi network.
Once the work has been completed, a report may be generated as full documentation either for your own use or as documentation for the customer who has had the repairs done. This shows all the most important details which may be useful in assessing whether the repairs have started under favourable conditions and whether the repair itself has been carried out properly and appropriately, taking into account all the quality parameters.
The PHBC-2 allows the turbine owner to save repair time as well as downtime. And, at the same time, the quality of the individual repairs/curing is fully documented.
Find further details on the PHBC-2 here
and read more about our products regarding perfect curing here
– we are a part of the danish company Lund & Sørensen A/S

designs exactly the electric heating solutions you need
Lund & Sørensen wishes to make it easy for our customers and partners to get high quality solutions for a wide spectrum of heating related wind turbine applications.
We offer design, production and supply of electrical heating and resistors for the wind turbine industry.
Lund & Sørensen A/S
– et stærkt, alsidigt og innovativt systemhus, som dagligt udnytter den tværfaglighed vi igennem 30 år har opbygget. Vores indgående viden om vores kunders processer er omdrejningspunktet for alt, hvad vi foretager os – uanset om vi rådgiver i forbindelse med et specifikt produktvalg eller vi projekterer en komplet automations-løsning.
Vores omfattende viden om komponenter og systemer til industriel el-opvarmning og temperaturmåling matcher bredden af vores sortiment og sikrer dig den mest optimale løsning.
Vi kan levere enkeltstående eller serier af komponenter til din styring, men vi kan også løfte det totale ansvar for udviklingen af den komplette automations-løsning.
Vi har sammensat et unikt program af el-varme produkter der opretholder en stabil temperatur i nacellen. Derudover leveres varme-systemer til produktion, vedligehold og afisning af vinger.
Vi forhandler det bredeste UV-C program i Danmark til desinfektion af luft og overflader.
Alle produkterne er verificerede ud fra videnskabelige tests foretaget i henholdsvis
Tyskland på Frauenhofer Instituttet og i Danmark på Teknologisk Institut.